Čeština (Česká republika)

Skull, mandible

Skull (Download)

The skull is a box for brain and basic sensory organs. The bones of the skull are tightly joined seams and connections in addition to mandible with mandible joint. In childhood, these seams are missing, instead there are fibrous bands. The skull has two basic sections: FACIAL - the top section is firmly attached to the bone, the lower section is movable lower jaw (mandible). The biggest bone of the upper section of the upper jaw (maxilla), externally it is a pair of cheek-bone which forms the neck and the zygomatic arch joins the temporal bone. Cerebral part of the skull - the brain creates a bony casing that surrounds the brain cavity of the skull.

Mandibula (Download)

The lower jaw is the most powerful and strongest of the facial bones. It has horseshoe shape and consists of a body (corpus mandibulae) and four processes: alveolar (alveolar processus), Brad (processus mental), articular (processus articularis), muscle (processus muscularis). Mandibular angle (angulus mandibulae) has a direct effect on the facial appearance as a newborn mandible is almost flat, shoulders resign at an angle of about 170 °. In the future, narrowing the angle (150 ° in children), due to mandibular growth in increasing demands on its operational load and growth of the alveolar process in the growth of teeth. In adulthood, the angle of 120 ° and again in old age increases the angle (140 °).