Čeština (Česká republika)

Skeletal System

These bone database was created in the STL Model Creator software. The files are able to download in STL file format.

The Database was created as part of the specific project reasearch at BUT FSI/J/10-70 and Higher education Development Fund 1403/2010





Geometry models of all bone tissues were obtained from CT (Computed Tomography). The slices have a width of 1 mm. Pixel size was 1x1 mm. Below is a list of all the created parts of the body which can be downloaded after registraion

Lebka, spodní čelist
Skull, mandilbe Humeral girdle Thorax Cervical vertebrae Thoracic vertebrae
Lumbar vertebrae Left upper limb Left hand Right upper limb Right hand
Pelvic girdle Left lower limb Left leg Right lower limb Right leg