Čeština (Česká republika)


      Welcome to the Biomechanics 601 pages of the Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering representing the work of postgraduate students which are studying biomechanics at Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics.

      Biomechanics is a theoretical-application field, which is using knowledge of engineering mechanics contributes to the solution of biological and medical problems, which include problems of mechanical character. The problems in the field of biomechanics at the Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics (ÚMTMB) were solved in the eighties of the last century, was made a biomechanical studies of the physiological and dysplastic ship connection from the subject of doctors. Based on this study was established close cooperation with medical doctors at problematic solving of the large joints which over the years has grown into other clinical disciplines.

      Currently a doctoral student working on many biomechanical problems in collaboration with medical doctors such as biomechanical study of dental implants for reduced bone density, biomechanical studies of facial skeleton, Biomechanical study of the hand, ets... The details of these projects are described in the Research tab. Furthermore, there are presented the products (software) for their download is necessary to be registered and progressively there will be insert educational books dedicated to the students which are studying biomechanics at institute of ÚMTMB ale created postgraduate students (contacts are shown in the People tab) under lead of professors.



Skeletal System

Skeletal System

These bone database was created in the STL Model Creator software. The files are able to download in STL file format. The Database was created as part of the specific project reasearch at BUT FSI/J/10-70 and Higher education Development Fund 1... Read more
STL Model Creator

STL Model Creator

There are no translations available. Program jednoduchým a intuitivním ovládáním umožňuje uživateli vytvořit ze série snímků model geometrie daného objektu. Software načte snímky ř... Read more
CT Data Analysis

CT Data Analysis

There are no translations available. Software načte CT snímky ve formátu DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) a umožňuje uživateli vyexportovat data pro tvorbu modelu materiálu kostních tkán... Read more